Completed Projects

Eirias Park Project

Eirias Park Project
Contract Completion date: October 2011

Main Contractor: Wynne Construction Ltd

Value: 6m

Client: Conwy County Borough Council/ Welsh Rugby Union

The Eirias Park development was a prestigious local project consisting of the refurbishment of the existing facilities into a new state of the art rugby academy. The project also included the construction of a new "Multi Use Building" and "Training & Events Centre" consisting of a timber frame building and a tensile "tented" structure. Fred Weston Ltd were responsible for the Power, Lighting, Fire & Security Systems, Data/ IT, Lightning Protection, PA/ Audio visual system, TV system, Disabled call and Sports lighting installation.

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Fred Weston Accreditations

NICEIC - Electrical Contracting Excellence Joint Industry Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry
Acclaim health & safety accreditation service ECA - Electrical Contractors' Association
ConstructionLine : UK Register of Pre-Qualified Construction Services